
All Our Stories is dedicated to great storytelling. We are a North London based community organisation with a passion for story. Our mission is to promote inspiring stories from the local to the national, and beyond. We believe that great storytelling is all around us, it’s just a matter of finding it.

We focus on a central theme: Connections and Identity. We are bringing together diverse storytellers to educate and inspire, to make new connections and renew existing bonds. Whether it’s ancient myths, song, poetry or spoken word, every story deserves an audience and that’s what we’re all about.

The founders were blown away by the power of story after a recent visit to an amazing storytelling festival in Aberystwyth, Wales. The festival opened their eyes to the world of performance storytelling and they want to replicate this by creating something for the community that is inspirational, intriguing and fun.

We’re reaching out to new and emerging communities and to hear the voices of those who are often unseen or unheard. We’re excited about bringing local and national speakers and performers together in an inclusive and vibrant celebration of storytelling at festivals, events and competitions.