On 4th February 2023, we held our first All Our Stories Festival in Finchley, North London. It was an amazing day with a huge turnout. It was a privelege to be entertained, inspired and educated by our fantastic performers. We’ll we posting some pictures soon!

Lee Sollory filled the day with new musical compositions and pieces which lifted and energised us.

Judy Wolfson Davies – entertained us with her lifetime anecdotes and poetry

Rebecca Ferguson, Medicins Sans Frontieres -reflected on her time as a paediatric emergency nurse in the humantarian sector in Afghanistan

Seren Molly Williams, uplifted us with a short story reading

Morgan Williams screened a short film about the power and resonance of story with Welsh storytellers Phil Okwedy & Daniel Morden

Alireza Abiz – an Iranian poet, literary scholar, and translator shocked and provoked us reading from some of his award-winning work.

Ben Macpherson – entertained, amused and cajoled us with his cheeky poetry

Tim Newburn a Professor at the LSE surprised and explained how Britain resolves its every day problems from queuing, dog mess and double-parking.

Alistair ‘Mav’ Mavin entertained and surpised us with his anecdotes about art and its intersection with engineering.

Barbara Want -gave a personal and powerful reflection on bringing Ukranian refugees to safety in the UK.

Anjula Devi -spoke movingly about the power of food as a bridge across communities. The Olympic Torch was pretty cool too!

Ollie and Benjy blew us away with some smooth smooth tunes.